ACARN Resources
ACARN YouTube Channel
Find recordings from all of ACARN’s virtual workshops and webinars on our YouTube channel. Content is organized into playlists for each of our events and workshops.
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BC Agriculture and Climate Change Education Series
The BC Agriculture and Climate Change Education Series was a four-part event, delivered across 8 educational institutions in early spring 2019. The series covers key climate change issues in the British Columbia agricultural sector and highlights current initiatives that support producer adaptation.
Live and studio versions of the content are available.
External Resources
Climate Change Adaptation Program
The Climate Change Adaptation Program (CCAP) is led by industry with the goal of helping producers successfully adapt to the impacts of a changing climate. CCAP provides funding for the development and implementation of collaborative regional adaptation strategies, innovative adaptation action at the farm level and industry communication through the Regional Adaptation Program and the Farm Adaptation Innovator Program.
The program website hosts resources and tools to support agricultural adaptation in BC.
IPCC – Climate Change and Land Report
The IPCC released a special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems.
Released August, 2019, report materials include a summary for policymakers, factsheets, a presentation and the full report.
BC Preliminary Strategic Climate Risk Assessment
The Province has completed a Preliminary Strategic Climate Risk Assessment for B.C. This is the first phase of an initiative to better understand climate-related risks in B.C. and help government develop appropriate measures to address those risks.
The climate risk assessment evaluates the likelihood of 15 climate risk events that could occur in B.C. along with their health, social, economic and environmental consequences. It is the first report of its kind in Canada to examine provincial-scale climate risks.