Back for a second year, this training will build your skills in the art and science of farmer-centered communication for agriculture extension, with a focus on knowledge translation and transfer (KTT) planning, producing research summaries for farmers, and delivering effective field days. The format and content is designed for graduate students, researchers, agrologists and consultants working in British Columbia.
Great speakers and facilitation. I took a lot away from this!
– 2023 participant
“I got many takeaways but I enjoyed discussing how to put my research into a format that would be best for growers to read.” – 2023 participant
Great information and reflections as a result of this series. Please have it again!
– 2023 participant

Dates & Format
- Live virtual training sessions on Zoom
- Weekly sessions on Tuesdays, 10:30am – 12:00pm PST
- Live sessions on February 4, February 11, February 18, 2025
Eligibility & Cost
Space for this training is limited with priority given to graduate students, researchers, extension specialists, and agrologists working in BC agricultural research or extension.
All three sessions are included in the registration price of $50 per participant. Students receive a 50% discount. If cost is a barrier, and you are committed to participating in all sessions, please reach out.

Session 1
Getting a Lay of the Land: KTT Planning
February 4, 2025
With guest Madeleine Arseneau, Knowledge Officer with Agricultural Climate Solutions, AAFC
- Introduction to Knowledge Translation & Transfer (KTT) planning
- Understanding your audience through user personas
- Building elements of a successful KTT plan
Session 2
Creating Impactful Knowledge Products: Research Briefs
February 11, 2025
With guest Shelagh Pyper, Principal, Fuse Consulting
- Choosing the right medium for knowledge translation
- Crafting plain language and sticky messages
- Developing a research brief with BC FoodWeb
Session 3
Levelling Up Your Field Days: Sharing Research Effectively
February 18, 2025
With guest Jesse MacDonald, Knowledge Translation and Transfer Officer, AAFC Summerland
- Centering farmers in research communication
- Enhancing learning with your delivery
- Structuring field day activities for success
About Madeleine
MSc, University of Guelph
Madeleine holds an MSc in Capacity Development and Extension and a BAH in Geography, both from the University of Guelph. She now works at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada as a Knowledge Officer in the Agricultural Climate Solutions – Living Labs program. In her role, she supports the generation, management, and exchange of knowledge both within, across and beyond the nationwide network of 14 living labs to help accelerate the adoption of beneficial management practices and technologies by Canadian farmers. Her primary goal is to ensure relevant scientific and practical knowledge reaches the widest possible audience in the agricultural community.
About Shelagh
BSc, University of Alberta
Shelagh is an environmental educator, science communicator and experienced project manager. She has a strong understanding of conservation, land management and ecology and over 15 years experience communicating science to the general public and managing large projects. She approaches each document and visual from an educational lens, striving to use plain language, captivating visuals and communication best practices to make concepts stick. She has worked with academic institutions, non-profits, government and industry to connect knowledge to practice and build trust and understanding across disciplines and sectors.
About Jesse
MSc, Simon Fraser University
Jesse is a biologist with 16 years experience with Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, and is currently Summerland’s Knowledge and Technology Transfer Officer. His peer-reviewed publications span across the disciplines of fungal pathology, virology, entomology, and physiology in horticultural commodities. He sits on a number of industry research and extension committees and leadership groups, and is the current president for the Professional Pest Management Association of BC and the Canadian Phytopathological Society BC chapter. His roles also include science coordinator for the Peace Region Living Lab and BC Living Lab, within the Government of Canada’s flagship Agricultural Climate Solutions program.
Session hosts
The Seeding Success communications training is co-hosted by the BC Food Web and the BC Agricultural Climate Action Research Network.
Funding acknowledgement
Funding for this event has been provided in part by the governments of Canada and British Columbia under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative.